Corporate Tax Services

Oftentimes, small-to-medium sized businesses can’t afford their own accounting department. That’s where we come in. Our team functions as your personal accountant, providing you accurate record-keeping and solutions to your financial inquiries. Grenning & Co. offers comprehensive corporate tax filing services for many different sized companies, including non-profits and private start-ups.Some of our services for corporations and sole-proprietorships are outlined below:

  • Preparation of year-end financial statements
  • Preparation of year-end corporate tax returns
  • Assistance with business start-up tasks
  • Assistance with business start-up tasks
  • Communicating with the Canada Revenue Agency on client’s behalf as required

Whether you have been around for years and are looking to update your accounting procedures, or a start-up looking to obtain an HST number and a CRA liaison – you’ve come to the right place! Grenning & Co. understands that each client has specific needs, and we work with you to make sure those needs are met.